Beginning January 24th, our Wednesday evening bible study meeting at the church every other week at 7PM. We will be reading and discussing The Ordinary Ways of God: Inside the Book of Ruth, written by David H Roseberry. This book examines Psalms 120-134, also called the Songs of Ascent, and teaches the reader how they may grow in Christian discipleship.
From the back cover of the book: As we discover in the Book of Ruth, God cares for us in ways beyond our understanding. We can often look back over our lives and discover how God guided us. We can see into our past and realize that He has been walking with us...or just ahead of us...leading us into His perfect will.
The characters in the Book of Ruth discover this. The God that Naomi knew and the God Ruth came to know, and the God that Boaz always served--that God was always with them...though when they knew it not! This God does not control us like a puppet but guides us with His strong, gentle, and invisible hand. We learn that we do not need big miracles of biblical proportion to assure us of His presence. Instead, we find Him in our day-to-day life. This is the ordinary way of God!