“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~ Leo Buscaglia
Welcome to SJA’s 10th year serving on the Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST), a ministry that we joined in 2014. This year we have signed up to serve during the week of November 12-19, and we will be serving the women and children who are housed at the MCREST shelter in Mount Clemens.
Based on past years’ records, we anticipate that the cash expenditures for the week (for supplies, bus tickets, gas cards, etc.) will be approximately $2,000. This number is separate from the donations of lunch meat and cheese for the week and dinners provided by supporting area vendors and the donated items given by our congregation. We know that our ability to successfully participate in this program in years past has been made possible only through the generosity and volunteerism of our parishioners and friends, as well as the support of the St. Paul of Tarsus’ Knights of Columbus.
A list of items needed (the MCREST Wish List) is on the bulletin board. If you have questions about how you can participate in the week’s activities (e.g. packaging breakfast items, making lunches, helping to serve a dinner meal at the shelter, etc.), please see Greg or Nancy.
We thank you for your continued commitment to be the presence of Christ in a hurting world. God bless and keep you.